Kylie Jenner’s Hidden Hills Compound


Makeup tycoon Kylie Jenner savors the sweet smell of success in a dazzling home animated with pop art, custom-designed furnishing, and legendary closets all designed with a youthful, bold energy.

The cover of Architectural Digest featuring Kylie Jenner’s house is the all-time bestselling international design story.

For Kylie Jenner’s house, color was essential, especially pink. The residence is located in the Los Angeles suburb of Hidden Hills, close to the homes of Kylie’s high-profile siblings and their mother, Kris Jenner. With that in mind, the designer opted for a design scheme that is equal parts sparkle and sumptuousness.

On the more glittery end of the spectrum are the white lacquer-and-acrylic grand piano in Jenner’s monochromatic, Old/New Hollywood living room, the gold-leafed ceiling of the dining room; vintage Lucite furniture by Charles Hollis Jones, and reflective wall coverings galore. On the plush side of the equation, Bullard deployed carpets of Patagonian shearling, alpaca, and silk, snow leopard–patterned velvet on the vintage Milo Baughman barstools in the lounge; and fur bedcovers.